Firearms Training – Courses

NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting
Fee: $145.00
Class Duration: 8 Hours
Location(s): New Age Training Facility, Springfield, VA
Format(s): Classroom, Range
Pre-requisite(s): Must be 21 years or older to register.
Taught by an NRA certified instructor, the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course covers gun safety rules, proper operation of revolvers and/or semi-automatic pistols, ammunition knowledge and selection, selecting and storing a pistol, fundamentals of shooting, and pistol inspection and maintenance. The instructor validates student comprehension and application of gun safety rules; range protocol; proper handling; loading and unloading procedures; application of pistol shooting fundamentals; stable shooting positions; live fire; and a final shooting qualification.

Maryland Initial Handgun Permit
Fee: $295.00
Class Duration: 16 hours
Location(s): New Age Training Facility, Springfield, VA
Format(s): Classroom, Range
Pre-requisite(s): Must be 21 years or older to register.
The Maryland Handgun Permit course takes students through classroom instruction and covers the following topics: application requirements; safe gun handling rules; pistol parts and operation; ammunition knowledge and selection; cleaning and maintenance, holster selection, Maryland firearms laws; use of daily force; developing the proper mindset when using a pistol; and interaction with law enforcement. Students who qualify under Maryland’s Good and Substantial Reason law will be able to obtain a permit to carry a handgun.

Maryland Handgun Permit–Renewal
Fee: $195.00
Class Duration: 8 Hours + Range
Location(s): New Age Training Facility, Springfield, VA
Format(s): Classroom, Range
Pre-requisite(s): Must be 21 years or older to register.
Students enrolled in the Maryland Handgun Permit–Renewal course will receive a refresher on the following topics: renewal requirements; safe gun handling rules; pistol parts and operation; ammunition knowledge and selection; cleaning and maintenance, holster selection, and updates on changes in Maryland firearms laws.

Virginia Concealed Handgun Permit
Fee: $145.00
Class Duration: 8 Hours
Location(s): New Age Training Facility, Springfield, VA
Format(s): Classroom, Range
Pre-requisite(s): Must be 21 years or older to register.
The Virginia Concealed Handgun Permit course takes students through classroom instruction and covers the following topics: application requirements; safe gun handling rules; pistol parts and operation; ammunition knowledge and selection; cleaning and maintenance, holster selection, Virginia firearms laws; use of daily force; developing the proper mindset when using a pistol; and interaction with law enforcement.

08E- VA Shotgun– Entry Level
Fee: $95.00
Class Duration: 3 Hours + Range
Location(s): New Age Training Facility, Springfield, VA
Format(s): Classroom, Range
Pre-requisite(s): Must be 21 years or older to register.
This course includes classroom and range time learning how to shoot shotguns. Students learn rules for safe gun handling; shotgun parts and operation; shotgun shell components; shotgun shell malfunctions; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting at targets; cleaning; and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the Basics of Shotgun Shooting handout, , Take a Basics of Shotgun examination, and receive a course completion certificate.

08R- VA Shoutgun– Re-Qualification
Fee: $30.00
Class Duration: 2 Hours + Range
New Age Training Facility, Springfield, VA
Sharp Shooters, Springfield, VA
Format(s): Classroom, Range
Prerequisite(s): Must be 21 years or older to register.
Students enrolled in the Virginia Shoutgun –Renewal course will receive a refresher on the following topics: renewal requirements; safe gun handling rules; shotgun parts and operation; ammunition knowledge and selection; cleaning and maintenance, and updates on changes in Virginia firearms laws.